Thursday, September 30, 2010

9.11.10 - Magrudergrind, Trash Talk, Nails at the Roxy

Everyone has different ways of coping with the anniversary of our nation's greatest disaster. Several hundred kids chose to spend theirs at the Roxy for a free grindcore matinee. Nails had no problem getting the kids all fired up and once Trash Talk went on, it quickly turned into a big messy stagediving convention.

Trash Talk

In case you're wondering, this guy did indeed make full facial contact with the PA speaker! Not kidding...

Friday, September 24, 2010

9.17.10 - Venomous Concept, Kill The Client, Murder Construct at Viper Room

Was at the Diaper Room (credit: Martin) for a grindcore all-star fiasco. Attendance was low, brutality high. Murder Construct (members of Cattle Decapitation, Exhumed, Intronaut, etc. etc.) was amazing and they will be HUGE in about five minutes, I promise you. Kill The Client shredded ass, Venomous Concept was a rollicking good time. Check their setlist - 30 songs!!?! Crapola.

Murder Construct

Kill The Client

Venomous Concept

9.4.10 - Saviours, Huntress, Glitter Wizard at Mountain Bar

Just down the street from the dirty, beerless FYF fest was a frothy show at Mountain Bar, a metal hub in Chinatown. It was dirty in a good way and the beer was plentiful. Huntress and Glitter Wizard set 'em up and Saviours brought total obliteration!

Glitter Wizard

