Ides Of Gemini, featuring J. Bennett (Decibel mag), Sera Timms (Black Math Horseman) and Kelly Johnston recently released a split LP with Vermapyre on Magic Bullet Records. Here are a few pictures from the release party at Vacation Vinyl. It wouldn't be a Vacation party without Pete Majors, so the first shot is of him.
Note to photo nerds: since my usual ancient Nikkor 50mm is sick with a cracked UV filter that won't unscrew (it can be fun [see here and here] but not always necessary), I employed a just-as-ancient Canon 50mm protected by an equally ancient magenta filter. I believe the double ancientness gave me the softness that you see in most of these pics (except the one wide shot). As usual, I employed very minimal photoshopping, so all effects are natural.
Ides Of Gemini